Yesterday for Easter my mom got me some Easter flowers (tulips), I took the picture above before they started to open. My gift to the kids for Easter was something simple, I got each of the kids a small book and a Easter card.The Easter bunny decided not to show up at our house until…
Stairway clean up.
Are you curious what happens when you let two six year old girls, and a 3 year old boy loose on your board games? Fear not you don’t need to experience it first hand, I already have. This is what it ends up looking like when you give them free range of everything, yes they…
Parent teacher interviews
We got invited to what I thought was a parent teacher interview night at Keera’s school. We were told to go to a specific website, and register for the time we would like to come into the class. The day after we had registered online, we went to Keera’s school and classroom. Once we got…
Cooking fish and girl time.
The last week I’ve been running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I started off the week by clearing off the kitchen table also known as the most popular dumping ground for everything. I really wanted the kids to have supper with us at the big table instead of at the little…
We all scream for ice cream.
Happy 75th anniversary Dairy Queen! As a mom that’s trying to stretch her dollars, I think it’s awesome that you decided to celebrate by giving all of your customers each a free ice cream cone today. So I did what what any mom would do when there’s free ice cream, we headed down to the…
First sleepover experience.
Today I got to experience something new in my parenting journey. Something that I’ve never had to deal with before, because my oldest is only 6. Today was the first time that one of my kids has had someone come sleep over. EEK! My two oldest have gone for a sleepover to their grandparent’s house,…
Drool worthy muffins.
I made some more banana-chocolate chip muffins today, they seem to be a healthier snack option that’s a hit in this house. Of course that means I used up all of the frozen banana’s that we had stashed in the freezer except for 2. Bummer because you need 3 banana’s for the recipe that I…
Almost Valentine’s day.
Let me start with something that’s a bit off topic and not even about this post at all but I need to share it. Yesterday I quit my job! My reason is simple; I miss my kids. I don’t regret my decision, and I probably never will. The hours were inconsistent and not worth the…
Parenting with emotions.
Why is it that we live in a society where it’s not okay for parents to have a “off” day….okay in some cases a couple of “off” days. I am not referring to going on a vacation without the kids, I mean emotionally. Yes we are in charge of little humans, but there seems to…
K’s room transformation
Yesterday I took photos of Keera’s room, then I didn’t clean it until today..I forgot to get before photos of the bed when we were in the middle of cleaning the room it was really overwhelming. Oh well c’est la vie, but in case you are intrigued as to what happens when you leave a…