Years ago, and I’m talking roughly six years ago I made this dish for the first time. No it’s nothing fancy, heck it’s a common dish Chicken Alfredo. Since that first time I’ve made this recipe, I’ve probably made it at home a handful of times. It’s not in our weekly meal planning, it’s more…
Three kids, and I’m still learning.
The kids and I live with my mom, it’s not your typical living with parent situation. It’s more of a roommate situation, we split most things down the middle such as rent. She’s got her monthly financial obligations, and I’ve got mine.. Of course there are times when there’s grey areas, such as groceries and…
The importance of documenting your weight-loss.
Weight-loss is no joke, it’s damn hard to lose weight. I’ve been on this weight-loss journey unofficially since 2014, and I’ve fallen off the wagon more than a dozen times. I started to post to Instagram, so that I could keep myself accountable. It was working for a bit, then it became a place where…
My daily reality.
So here’s the truth, it’s been really hard to get motivated to workout. Everyone says once you get into a workout routine, that it gets easier but I’m having a hard time believing that’s true. It’s so easy to convince myself to not go workout, between the kids schedules and my night job. On a…
New Years with the trio 2017.
Welcome to the first day of 2017, Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a great New Years Eve, and that you got to ring in the New Year with people you love. I personally got to ring in the New Year, with three of the best little people I know my kids…
Christmas 2016.
It’s become a Christmas tradition that when we wake up on Christmas morning, the kids get dressed and all the adults shower. Then we make ourselves a cup of coffee before we open gifts, it’s a way more relaxing way to start off the festivities. I think this Christmas morning routine is great it gives…
Keera turned eight.
Today Keera turned eight, eight years ago today we were supposed to go for breakfast at my mother-in-laws place. My grandparents were visiting, so I said I would sleep on the couch. I woke up because I remember feeling like I had to go to the washroom, as soon as I got into the bathroom…
Christmas Eve containers 2016.
I can’t believe that today’s already December 24th, it’s crazy to think how fast this year has come and gone. Only two years ago I started doing these Christmas Eve boxes, in the hopes that it would start a tradition for the kids and I. Two years ago I remember I bought the kids each…
We decorated our tree.
***This post contains affiliated links*** Christmas spirit is in full swing in the house, yesterday we took the kids to see Santa then we picked out a Christmas tree. Every year we take the kids to Bass Pro Shop at CrossIron Mills to see Santa. They get to meet Santa, and get a free…
Our apartment sized tree.
For five consistent years now, we’ve went and got a real Christmas tree for Christmas. We even had a real Christmas tree, the year I was in the hospital for Christmas. In case you didn’t know being in the hospital around Christmas is kinda a family thing, me thing. I was there for Keera’s birth…