***This post contains affiliated links*** Christmas spirit is in full swing in the house, yesterday we took the kids to see Santa then we picked out a Christmas tree. Every year we take the kids to Bass Pro Shop at CrossIron Mills to see Santa. They get to meet Santa, and get a free…
Author: Erika Scott
Our apartment sized tree.
For five consistent years now, we’ve went and got a real Christmas tree for Christmas. We even had a real Christmas tree, the year I was in the hospital for Christmas. In case you didn’t know being in the hospital around Christmas is kinda a family thing, me thing. I was there for Keera’s birth…
The trios first gingerbread house.
Every year around December, I stroll down the bakery aisle of the grocery store. I notice all the gingerbread kits, and think about how much fun it would be to make it with the kids. Every year for two years now, the kids ask if we can buy one. I usually say “maybe”, because the…
Kid’s Christmas Party round two.
It’s that time of year again, my work hosted another kid’s Christmas party. If you read my post from last year, CLICK HERE you’d know it’s an annual thing. This year was our second year attending, and it might be our last. The party is for kids ages 12 and under. I signed the kids…
Trio plus two go to the zoo.
It’s been about a year since we last went to the Calgary zoo. So when the kid’s friends mom asked if we could meet up, with them there for the day I figured why not. We got there and bought everyone a zoo pass, the pass is good for a year it includes free parking…
Emilee turns three.
Three years ago, our family welcomed another beautiful little girl. She was unexpected but she was, and still is such a blessing. Our lives wouldn’t be the same without her, and it’s crazy that today were celebrating her third birthday. I say it all the time, I’m scared to blink…things are happening so fast life…
Halloween 2016.
The kids had school this morning, so they got all dressed up in their costumes. Unfortunately the school has a no face paint policy, so Zaden had to wait until after school to get his face painted. The people who are in charge of days off at the kid’s school are smart, the students don’t…
Portion Control.
As an addict I know how hard it is, to be on a journey to recovery. My addiction isn’t to drugs, it’s an addiction to food. I’ve always been a huge lover of food, and despite my weight it isn’t just to unhealthy foods. My biggest struggle to getting healthy, besides the exercise has been…
I was M.I.A, but now I’m back!
I’ve been a bit M.I.A lately, I’ve got a lot of things going on. I’m mentally exhausted, and I needed a break from blogging. This blog is supposed to be my place, it’s supposed to be where I write whatever I want to write. Lately I’ve been struggling with that, one part of me wants…
Dealing with lice.
Friday morning I received an email from my kid’s school, stating that someone in one of my kids classes has lice. I tried calling the school to find out which one of my kids classes had it, but due to confidentially they weren’t going to disclose. Which I understand, but it still frustrates me.. I…