Yesterday we got a box of Happy Planet Organic Soup, there was about 5 packages inside (I think anyways) and they were each 500 ML. It’s the first time I’ve ever tried this type of soup from Happy Planet Organic; and the soup was Kawartha Chicken Noodle Soup with orzo, parsley and a pinch of thyme. Basically it’s just a fancy organic version of Chicken Noodle Soup lol, but I don’t really care I love that soup and the trio LOVE it too. The packages said not to freeze the soup and that they had to be refrigerated…FINE. I would have loved if I could freeze the soup and keep some for later on a couple of weeks from now, oh well C’est la vie. The point is my kids were head over heels for this soup. Which is a nice change since whenever we do have soup the only kind they’ve been willing to eat the last couple of months is, Vegetable soup and I’m getting fed up with it.
I’m pretty sure I could easily make a similar version of this soup, but make it so I can freeze it. So at the risk of sounding like a complete lazy parent I just don’t want to. That’s why it’s fantastic when companies go and make yummy healthy things like this. I’ll attempt to do something creative with food the next time I get a spare minute to myself. For now my kids eat fairly healthy and I think I’m doing a pretty darn good job at raising them. Don’t tell on me, we took them for ice cream after supper. 😛What’s your families favourite soup? What’s one of your favourite soup recipes?