As of this passed Sunday I’ve joined the crew of 24 year old people around the world. Here’s my lovely cake, yes it was as mouthwatering as it looks!! We had a home cooked supper, followed by cake, then we returned home to do some much needed studying. The following day I did what everyone loves to do the day after their birthday, I went and wrote my provincial exam for my LLQP at 11am.
I’m pretty frustrated, you need a minimum of 60% to pass the exam and I got a 56%. I was really hoping I was done with all the studying but I suppose it’s back to the books I go. Once I pass this exam and get it under my belt I will be SO happy! I’ll be writing it again next week. Here’s a picture of my kids and I, also known as the ones that drive me bonkers, and make me fall in love again and again every single day.