As of midnight I will be drastically dropping the amount of pop and chocolate I consume. I’ve got to the point were I don’t even really like or enjoy chocolate or pop, I simply eat and drink it out of habit. Because it’s in the house all the time I’ve probably let myself gain 30 pounds just by drinking pop and eating chocolate in the last 3 months. That seems revolting if you think about how much sugar, etc is in that stuff. I mean honestly you can clean your toilet bowl with Coke, I don’t think we should be consuming it. Just by drastically cutting down, I am very convinced I can lose a ton of weight. Yes we all know that hard work has to be done also to gain results. My dreaded exercise routine begins on the 24th, it’s being postponed due to medical reasons. I haven’t done any exercise what so ever in 2ish years… yes very embarrassing, but it’s better late then never….Right?
I don’t think that I’ll have that difficult of a time, since I’ve always preferred water over other drinks. I’ve always been a huge fan of vegetables too. My family usually has vegetables with our meals, so that’s a big thing. I think the biggest habit change with be, not letting it come into the house. If it’s not in the house, you can’t be tempted as much. Not to say you won’t get craving, but it will be easier to ignore the cravings if you don’t have it in the house and you distract yourself. I know change doesn’t happen over night, but we are all a work in progress.