On work days I’m usually exhausted, thankfully Emilee’s a good sport and most of the time wants to nap with me. I work the night-shift and it really messes with the balance of days and nights. Especially when the kids, and I have got stuff to do during the day.
I end up getting home from work between 6:50am and 7am, once I get home we get the kids up. Most mornings Keera and Zaden drag their feet around, despite going to bed early the night before. Around 7:20 after a lot of nagging the lunches are made, and they usually end up sitting down for breakfast. Sometimes Emilee eats with them, and other days she waits and eats with me.
By the time 7:35am rolls around, my mom and the kids are walking out the door to go to the bus stop. I throw my work stuff into the washing machine, and Emilee and I have breakfast. If she ate breakfast with the others, I’ll let her play with her toys while I eat mine.
The plan is usually to have breakfast, then go to bed for a couple of hours. Sometimes I get cocky though, and feel like I want or should get stuff done before going to sleep. This results in Emilee and I staying up until after lunch, then crashing around 1:30pm.
I always make sure to set multiple alarms, so that if I’ve got to pick up the kids I don’t miss the bus. Today I kept pressing the snooze button, until finally I jolted awake at 3:45. I got Emilee bundled up and we rushed off to the bus stop, the bus isn’t supposed to get at the stop till 4 o’clock but sometimes he’s early. Yes most of the time I’m still wearing my pajama pants.
We got to the bus stop ten minutes early, so I let Emilee play in the snow. As we were waiting I overheard some of the moms talking about me. Saying things like “I feel bad for her kids, she’s in her pjs. If she’s going to be a stay at home mom, the least she could do is clean up and get dressed.”
HAHAHA.. let me address this for a moment. I got myself a night job, so that I could be there for my kids. I’m there every single morning, when they are getting ready for school. I’m with Emilee all day long, then once Keera and Zaden finish school I’m there with them. I’m there when they all have supper, and when their getting ready for bed I’m there to tuck them in.
I’m here if they’ve got appointments during the day, or if they are too sick to go to school. If they’ve got after school activities, I am there. Trust me I’m no perfect mom, but I am there for my kids. My kids don’t care if I pick them up in my pajama pants, they care that I’m there.
YOU see me as lazy, with my bed head and pj pants. Here’s the stuff you don’t see, I got home from work at 7am and helped get the big kids ready for school. After they left for school, I made Emilee and I breakfast. Once we finished breakfast, I did a load of laundry and did a load of dishes.
I swept the floor, and then went to lay on the couch. I layed there watching Emilee play with her toys all morning, then we had lunch. After lunch I did some more laundry, and cleaned up the toys while Emilee had a nap. Keep in mind I worked all night, and I didn’t sleep yet. Around 2pm I feel asleep with Emilee on the couch, and we slept till 3:45pm.
That’s an hour and 45 minutes of sleep, assuming I fell asleep right away. Tell me do you sleep all night, or do you only function on an hour and 45 minutes of sleep I didn’t think so.
What I wear doesn’t effect my parenting skills, and as far as the suggestive lazy comment. Honey I’ve seen inside your home my place is much more organized, and clean than yours and if I recall you are a stay at home parent with no job.
Today the bus ended up arriving late, and by than Emilee’s pants were soaked from the snow. She was starting to make a fuss about being cold, but by some stroke of luck Keera and Zaden got off the bus in a great mood. If you’ve got more than one kid, you know it’s so much easier to deal with a melt down from one child if the others are in a good mood.
I managed to convince Emilee and the others to hurry home with the promise of hot chocolate and cookies. As soon as we got back into our apartment, I got Emilee’s wet pants off and got her cuddled up on the couch. I filled the kettle with some water, and turned it on. I’ve got an electric kettle, and despite it being super useful and used often… it’s not the kettle I wanted. I really want one of those kettles that goes on the stove, the type of kettle that whistles once the waters come to a boil. I guess I’m an older soul when it comes to that sort of thing.
After a quick google search, it turns out the kettle’s correct name is a Stovetop Kettle. When I think of one I think of a homey feeling, I think about being curled up with a good book waiting on my tea water to boil. 🙂Once the water had finished boiling, I set up everyone’s mugs with hot chocolate mixture and added the water. We had to wait for the hot chocolate to cool down, so of course the kids wanted to help with the placement of the cookies on the baking stone. I’m serious this baking stone from Pamper Chef, is the best thing ever it’s got a non-stick surface. I use it for when I’m baking cookies, or cooking oven pizza.
It’s been used hundreds of times over the years, and it stops me from baking my pizza on the oven racks ha ha. That means it requires less cleaning yay, so that makes it worth it in itself. Once I got the cookies in the oven, I baked them for about twelve minutes.
As soon as the cookies were done baking, the hot chocolate was the perfect temperature to drink. I can’t be the only adult that dips cookies, in their hot chocolate…am I?