Be careful what you put online, make sure it’s something that you want people to see. Keep track of what email account(s) you create, or what sites you join.
I spent a good portion of my night, last night deleting accounts that I forgot I even owned (some dated back from when I was 14 years old even!) and countless email addresses 5 actually (from my 10 year old-18 year old era) of my life that I clearly don’t use. I’m not embarrassed by them, or the content that I found on them. It’s just that’s not who I am anymore, I’m now a mom of 3. My likes and dislikes have changed, my ideas, and opinions, even the way I speak while typing has changed.
Reviewing some of my past emails to my boyfriend, my friends, and my former best friend before I deleted the accounts. I learnt more about myself, who I was compared to who I am now, I discovered who were some of my great friends in the past and noticed that I don’t speak to most of them anymore. I used to call people “doll, darling, or hun” all the time, words I reserve for a select few now. I noticed I had terrible spelling. I still have the occasional mix up, I’m sure most people do but this really was terrible. I used to type my biggest pet peeve, I actually used to type “u” instead of you. What was I thinking?!?
I don’t always have fabulous days, but I’m glad I am where I am now, rather then where I used to be.
Currently I still have one email I’m trying to delete, unfortunately I don’t remember the password and to add to the confusion I used security questions that don’t make sense. They probably made sense to me when I made them when I was younger, but now they don’t make sense at all.
I might just have to face the fact that some things just can’t and won’t be delete from the Internet. I’ve learnt my lesson. Have any of you experienced old accounts you forgot you had?