Tuesday the 2nd of September was Keera’s first day of school, where has the time gone? She’s already in grade 1. I was pretty proud of myself, this year I wasn’t an emotional wreck. She’s different this year, more mature, a different attitude, a different walk, and talk.
She is more in control, last year her confidence wasn’t very high. It wasn’t anything she had done it’s what I didn’t do, yes I taught her things to develop her. I’d compliment and praise her when she did something good, I would teach her things. I just didn’t do
I didn’t put Keera in a daycare, or playschool, not even a preschool program. The only time she really interacted with kids, other than her siblings was when she
Even then you could tell that she didn’t quite know how to interact with them. Once again nothing she had done, just something I failed to do. It’s probably a mistake that a lot of first time parents make. We want to keep our “baby” with us as much as possible, because we don’t want to miss out on anything.
I just can’t help but wonder, how different she’d be if I had let her experience those things.
Is it absolutely necessary to put your child in these programs before school? No of course not but it is critical for their confidence that if you don’t you put them in an extracurricular activity. It teaches kids how to interact with other children their own age, it teaches them how to make friends.
I see such a difference in Keera this year, she was actually excited to go on the bus the first day no tears, nothing negative. Once she got home she was happy about school, talking about how some of her friends from last year are in her class, I love hearing that kind of stuff! I will always be there for my daughter, but I realize that what I did was put my own selfish needs ahead of hers.
It’s only been 4 days since school started, but even tonight she told me she can’t wait to see her friends at school on Monday. I love seeing that she’s excited to go to school, and that’s why this time I’m doing things different
We got Zaden registered for preschool before summer started, the requirements were he had to be at least 3 years old, and potty trained. Since he just turned 3 in June, all we had to do was get him potty trained. It was a slow beginning but I’m extremely proud to say that in the last few weeks of August he really caught on and he’s fully potty trained during the day. No pull-ups either, just underwear! Yippee. We are still working on the night time, but he’s doing really well with that too.
He had his first official day at preschool alone on Thursday the 4th and I almost cried. The only thing that stopped me, was knowing that I wasn’t going to be putting him through what I did with Keera. I’m so glad that he’s in preschool, it gives him much-needed interaction with other kids his age, he gets to learn new things, he gets to be himself. When we picked him up later Thursday afternoon he was excited, so proud he had completed a craft, and that the kids he had met at Tuesday’s preschool orientation were there and that he had got to play with them. I want my kids to enjoy school and learning, I want them to want to learn and not be afraid of new experiences. That is what is giving me so much more happiness.