Today was the day Keera’s been preparing for, today was Keera’s First Communion. Typically the ceremony would be held at our church, however due to major renovations it was relocated. The sacramental coordinator from the church, emailed me to notify me that we’d be having Mass and the sacrament at a nearby Catholic school.
Everyone was told to arrive for 10:15am, and Mass was to start at 11am followed by the ceremony. It stated in the email, that there was going to be 120 children. Including a very excited Keera, doing their First Communion this morning. So there was lots of busy bodies, and so many cute kids dressed up in dresses and suits!
Over the last year, Keera has decided to be more involved in Church. She’s been attending Mass more frequently, with her Mémé. I don’t force her to go to church, she’s made the choice herself to go. I love that she’s making positive choices, and making her own path she really likes to go.
WHAT IS FIRST HOLY COMMUNION?: The First Holy Communion, is a sacrament of receiving the body of Christ. It’s symbolized through Eucharist, and wine. Eucharist is the body of Christ, Jesus is the Bread of Life who comes to us in Communion. For more in-depth information about First Communion CLICK HERE.
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven.
Whoever eat this bread will live forever.
This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world”
-John 6:51
Once the ceremony had finished, we went for a late lunch at Red Lobster. Keera ordered herself a root-beer, to drink while she opened up her gifts. It wasn’t anything extravagant, just a couple small gifts, a bookmark, and cards as a memento of her First Communion.
Keera’s first gift was a little girl First Communion statue, that has a space at the bottom for her to store her Rosary. You can find it by clicking here.The second gift she got was a First Communion gift set, it has a Mass book, a Rosary, and a few other items. You can also find it by clicking here.Of course we needed a cake, to celebrate the occasion. All big occasions in our family, are celebrated with ice cream cake. Since we don’t usually finish it, and we can just pop it in the freezer for later. I love how surprised Keera was, when she seen her cake.