I can’t believe that today’s already December 24th, it’s crazy to think how fast this year has come and gone. Only two years ago I started doing these Christmas Eve boxes, in the hopes that it would start a tradition for the kids and I. Two years ago I remember I bought the kids each their own personalized themed boxes, ones that reminded me of their personalities. It didn’t even cross my mind at the time, that a cardboard box type of box wouldn’t stand a chance. Not to mention silly me, how could I not already know the kids would be fighting over the different boxes. Last year I got my ducks in a row, and I bought some heavy-duty plastic containers… Ones that all look identical, you know to avoid the fighting. Curious what the kids had in their boxes last Christmas? CLICK HERE.I was completely disorganized this year with my Christmas shopping lol.. Thankfully my mom had already bought the hot chocolate and popcorn for the kids boxes. Since the kids loofahs are still new from a couple of months ago, I figured this year I’d go simple. Each of the kids containers had a pair of pyjamas, a movie, some hot chocolate, and popcorn. Next year I’m thinking I’ll add some mini-marshmallows to the boxes, to go along with their hot chocolate and possibly a French book.
Sometimes the kids will let me get a nice picture of them all together… 4th times a charm. 😉Zaden’s container had the Batman the movie, blue/yellow Minion pyjamas, hot chocolate, and popcorn. Emilee’s container had A Very Minty Christmas it’s a My Little Pony movie, some pink Minion pyjamas, hot chocolate and popcorn. Keera got a pair of pyjamas that had the little girl off Despicable Me holding a stuffed unicorn with the saying”It’s so fluffy” on it. The pj bottoms are pink with unicorns on them, also she got The Secret Life of Pets movie, popcorn and hot chocolate too. This year Keera hand wrote the letter to Santa Clause, and the kids left out some Oreo’s and milk for him. Just some Santa knowledge for you all, in-case you were curious lol. Oreo’s are one of Santa’s favorite cookies, besides the classic Chocolate chip cookies of course. Once they had put the cookies and milk out, I did the old school way of getting the kids to decide on a movie. I placed two of them behind my back, and which ever they chose would be the one we watched. Luckily The Secret Life Of Pets won, and we headed to my bedroom to watch.All snuggled up in moms bed, ready for a pre-Christmas movie night. It didn’t take long for Emilee to fall asleep, she didn’t even manage to make it through half the movie. Once the movie was finished, I got the two bigs off to their beds, and stood watch for Santa.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my family to yours!