Three years ago, our family welcomed another beautiful little girl. She was unexpected but she was, and still is such a blessing. Our lives wouldn’t be the same without her, and it’s crazy that today were celebrating her third birthday. I say it all the time, I’m scared to blink…things are happening so fast life is racing by.
This morning started off like any other school week, we got the kids up and I got Keera and Zaden’s lunches ready while they got ready for school. I gave them breakfast, and just as they were heading out the door Emilee woke up. They wished her a Happy Birthday, gave everyone hugs and kisses then were out the door. During the school week, once Keera and Zaden leave for school the apartment is usually quiet.
This morning I made Emilee and I some eggs for breakfast, and we ate together. Once Emilee’s finished her food, she asked if we could go back to bed. On any other day, I usually agree and we head back to bed in our pajamas. Since today’s her birthday, I wanted to get her dressed and stay up for a bit. I was looking for something that would make her feel special, but also be comfy since comfort is the key to happiness in toddlers. 😉 I ended up grabbing her blue dress, I love this dress it’s a princess blue and it really makes her eyes “pop”. Also I know that she feels special in it, because when she’s wearing it you can find her twirling around. For some bottoms I put on her new sweat pants, she got them early from her aunt as a birthday gift…Ta-da I created princess comfort.
Despite my efforts to stay awake and do something fun, once she was dressed Emilee insisted on going for a nap. Parents know that when a child volunteers to go have a nap, you don’t argue! I don’t think she’s grasped the concept of birthday’s yet, and I still wanted her to know how special today is. So before we went back to bed, I sang her Happy Birthday.
Fast-forward to lunch we had something to eat, and then we spent the afternoon playing with toys while we watched a movie. Emilee’s pretty laid back, she doesn’t want or need much to make her happy. I had to keep reminding her that it was her birthday, I guess when your three it’s not a big deal.After picking up Keera and Zaden from the bus, we headed back home and we all sang Emilee Happy Birthday again. We managed to finally get her to understand it’s her birthday today, that got her excited for gifts and cake. I put a movie on in the living room, and we watched it while we waited for supper to finish cooking. My mom made homemade chicken soup in the crock-pot for supper.
Once we had finished eating , we got Emilee to open up her gifts. I had a hard time figuring out what to buy her, every time we asked her what she wanted for her birthday she’d say “I don’t know”. So frustrating, but I finally managed to figure out some things I knew she’d like. She got a Batgirl action figure, and Draculaura Barbie from me. She also got some markers and a movie from her siblings and I, and her Mémé got her a leappad 3. Emilee’s big on playing with dolls, she loves to play pretend with them even when she’s by herself. Markers are always a safe bet with little kids, I mean even I love markers lol. For the longest time Keera and Zaden had leappads, Emilee never got one because she was too little. However for the last year she’s been playing on her siblings leappads, it keeps her busy and really great for learning. So my mom thought it would be a great idea to get her one of her own, Emilee was really excited. Out of all of her gifts I thought it was funny that she got the most excited about the movie. It’s a movie based off The Lion King series. 🙂
This year we got Emilee a Minnie Mouse cake, because she’s been loving Minnie Mouse a lot lately.