It’s summer time, and I’m constantly wanting to do stuff with the kids. Unfortunately between the kids camps, work, and the bigs going for sleep-overs there’s not much time to do stuff. Tonight I really wanted to take them somewhere. I thought about going for ice cream, but then thought that wouldn’t be a smart choice. I’m really struggling with this weight-loss journey. I’ve been eating pretty good, but occasionally my portions are out of control. Not to mention working night-shift we get snacks, the snacks are usually pop/juice and cookies. I know I don’t have to eat them, there’s been a ton of times I bring my own food. Still there’s that temptation..especially when you see others eating them. I also eat when I’m bored, which usually happens at night since I’m a night owl. It’s not my kids fault that I’m overweight, so they shouldn’t be denied certain things because of it. So I thought we’d go for some frozen yogurt instead, brilliant idea…frozen yogurt seems like a safe choice. Ha ha, I was so wrong. We headed over to Menchie’s, and once we got in there I knew we would have been better off getting ice cream. We each got a cup for our yogurt, I was overwhelmed by the flavour choices. This is what happens when you don’t give in occasionally to treats. When you finally allow yourself you go crazy. We all decided to get two different flavours mixed together. I was in the process of getting mine and Em’s cup filled. So I sent Keera, and Zaden over to the condiment table. This is the moment it dawned on me that Keera can now reach ALL of the stuff, and she’s got her brother convincing her to start adding the toppings. So she got busy scooping stuff in her cup and in Zaden’s cup.

If you aren’t familiar with Menchie’s, it can either be kind on your wallet or mean. They’ve got wonderful frozen yogurt, and you do it yourself so that’s great. Although when your done getting the yogurt, and toppings if you want them. You head over to the till, then you place your yogurt cup on a scale and pay based on how much it weighs. This is awesome when your by yourself, and you just came in for a treat. It’s not so good when you’ve got three kids with you, and you’ve all gone way too overboard. I’ll spare you the cents, but it came around to 40ish dollars. Yes you’ve read that right, for a fun night out with the kids I spent 40+ dollars on frozen yogurt. That’s almost the price of a night out at the movies for us. LOL oh well C’est la vie. You only live once yes? I enjoyed some wonderful moments with my kids, and we made some unforgettable memories. I think it was worth every penny, but maybe next time we’ll do something else. 😉
Have you tried frozen yogurt? Which do you prefer frozen yogurt or ice cream?