It’s official… I finally bought my new domain name today. I officially “own” a tiny piece of cyberspace. I am so excited. Even though I’ve been blogging using this name for a bit now, some people might have been confused because my domain didn’t match. {After a lot of frustrating, and nerve-racking hours I managed to transfer over my old posts.} I really liked my old domain name, but some people had difficulty finding me. Also if you misspelled my last domain name, it would take you to an inappropriate site. I really didn’t want to associate myself with that, so I thought long and hard about a new name. It took quite a bit of thinking, and a lot of frustration this is my baby! I wanted a name that could grow with me, not just something that symbolized where I am in life right now. That’s when I thought about Mom’s Quiet Prayer. I was having a rough day, the kids were acting out and I had completely lost all my patience. It wasn’t even 7 pm, and I found myself sitting on the kitchen floor. I was quietly praying for the patience to make it to bedtime. I know a lot of people will assume that it’s purely a religious name, and because of that I’ll likely lose followers. However if you put religion aside, most parents have at one time or another prayed for the patience to make it to bedtime, or even for their kids to behave for five minutes. Which really shouldn’t be that hard… right?!? This isn’t just about parenting, I find myself quietly praying more often than not. Moments when I’m running late, and I can’t find my keys. When I lose a paper that had incredibly important information on it. The moments when my kids can’t find their shoes, or when they can only find one shoe.
I want to clarify why I like the name. The name just fits, and it feels good to say.
1. I’m a mom, and I’ll always be a mom no matter what. Even when my kids grow up, and become adults (FAR in the future). 2. Whether you’re praying for patience, praying that you’ll find something, or even praying in general you usually do it quietly. 3. I adore the word prayer, it makes me feel like I’m not alone.
I appreciate everyone that follows me, and takes the time to come and read my posts. I would love if you continued to follow me, and read my posts. I’m hoping my new domain doesn’t steer people away, there’s a lot more to me than the title of my blog. ^_^ If you ever want to get a hold of me, feel free to comment on my posts. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can message me on any of my social media sites. I will respond back as soon as I can. I’m looking forward to this new chapter!