Today’s the first day of Spring Break for Keera and Zaden, as of today they will be off of school for a whole week. Actually it’s really eleven days if you count the weekend, and if you want to be technical lol. I have a love hate relationship with Spring Break. I mean it’s really nice because every year the kid’s school has their spring break at a different time than the other schools in the city. So we get to enjoy Spring Break without all the typical Spring Break crowd, but on the other hand it’s being in charge of entertaining and educating the kids for 11 days. I mean I’m not really complaining, because I love spending time with the kids. It’s just nice knowing when the kids are in school, they are learning stuff and they aren’t wanting to watch TV! Before we can start off the holidays though, we have some very important things to get done today. We had to be at Keera’s school for ten am this morning, so that we could have a “parent teacher interview”. The parent teacher interviews here go a little bit different, instead of sitting down with Keera’s teacher and discussing Keera and all the things she’s learned. The teacher sets up several different stations around the classroom, and the students are supposed to show their parent(s) at each station what they’ve been learning so far throughout the year.
After you’re done going to each station, your welcome to look around the class at the kids art work and other things. Plus you are allowed to speak to the teacher and ask any questions or express any concern you have. Once we got to the classroom Keera gave us a sheet of paper, it described which coloured animal was hers; and we had to guess which one it was. Once she finished that Keera showed us her math skills on paper while we timed her, she did a pretty fantastic job. There are four total stations, so at the third one Keera showed us the difference between certain objects that float in water; and others that don’t float in water. At the fourth station she showed us how many different words she could make with a specific bag of letters, pretty neat to see her make words I didn’t even know she knew how to spell!
We got to see some of Keera’s school work throughout the class, and her teacher said that she’s doing really good. She said that Keera doesn’t speak English in class, which I thought was shocking considering we haven’t really been able to get her to speak much French at home. Most of the time she just shells up and pretends that she doesn’t know how to say the word in French, even when she really does know how to say it. After that we went out for lunch, then headed home to start sorting through some of our boxes.
We started a new chapter of our lives tonight, we went and signed a lease agreement for our new place. I’m not going to lie, I’m not looking forward to packing up our four level split house. When my mom and I moved in together we basically just combined two households, and we didn’t really go through anything. Since we had so much space we never really, felt any pressure to go through everything until now. Our new place is really going to push us out of our comfort zone, we are moving from a four level split house into an apartment. I really don’t want to be moving a bunch of stuff we don’t want, or even need. The awesome thing is we’re going to be paying the same amount of money for our rent, and the apartment has two bathrooms just like the house we are currently at. The only difference is the new place will obviously be smaller, but it includes all utilities, internet and cable which will save us over 500$ a month. Which means I can pay off my debt faster, and put more money away to buy a place. Also it means that we can take the kids on more vacations, and who doesn’t love a good getaway?
Do you do anything fun with your kid(s) for Spring Break? Do you have anything new going on in your life?