A couple of years ago I got a waffle maker for Christmas, Christmas 2014 to be exact. Since than I’ve only used it once and it’s been sadly sitting on my counter collecting dust. Even though I am a big fan of waffles, I never prioritized making them. It really comes down to the fact that I don’t want to buy the easy to make batter at the store, but I’m too lazy to find a waffle batter recipe online. I’m for sure going to be looking harder for a recipe now. So tonight when I decided we were going to be having quesadillas for supper, {it was the first time I’ve made them at home too} I figured why not try to make them in the waffle maker? We had some chicken breast in the freezer, and some cheese in the fridge. All we needed was some tortillas so we bought some small regular tortillas, some small whole wheat tortillas and some large-sized sun-dried tomato tortillas. A while ago when we were at Costco, I tried a sample of some turkey wrapped in a sun-dried tomato tortilla wrap it was delicious. Since then I’ve been really wanting to try it again.
I cooked the chicken breast in a frying pan, and then once it was cooked I cut them into small pieces. I asked the kids which tortilla they wanted, surprise surprise they wanted the normal ones, {a perfect example why I don’t often ask the kids what they want for supper, because sometimes I give them stuff they wouldn’t ask for and they end up liking it!} so I placed one tortilla on the waffle maker grill. I then added the pieces of chicken on top of the tortilla, followed up with some cheese and one more tortilla to top it off. The cooking time varies based on how brown you want the tortilla to be, and this one was my first attempt. The kids each ate two quesadillas, and finally I got the opportunity to cook my own. Even though the sun-dried tomato tortillas were too big for the waffle maker I shoved it all in and managed to cook myself one. Lucky for me I’m the only one that liked the sun-dried tomato ones lol, so I got to enjoy mine in peace with some sour cream and salsa. Tomorrow night I want us to have leftovers so I plan on us having chicken wraps. We’ll use up the rest of the tortillas, the chicken, and I’m going to add some corn and sour cream to give it that extra yum factor.What’s something you’ve got sitting around your home? Do you use anything in your kitchen for more things than it’s “made” for?