Today yet again Zaden had one of his mysterious episodes…
It happens suddenly and you never know when it’s going to happen. It all started when he turned two years old, and it’s been an off and on thing ever since. He turns ghost white pale, says he’s cold and gets really tired in a matter of minutes. Several occasions in the past when these episodes started we would just be starting supper, and he would get up and go lay down on the floor. It was very difficult to wake him up, he seemed almost unresponsive. It was gone but now after six months, it’s come back. We have brought him into the doctor in the past, and they did blood tests and couldn’t give us an explanation as to what it is. So when we noticed him having the same symptoms this morning, we brought him into the doctor’s right away. After a quick check over the doctor ordered blood work, and a urine sample. Even though he wasn’t feeling well, he still managed to stay in good spirits. As you can see in his picture {we were waiting at the blood clinic for his turn}, his skin tone almost matches the wall!! Although despite him being almost the same colour as the wall in the waiting room, he was still on his best behaviour. When it came time for them to take his blood, he sat on my lap and stared at them insert the needle. He didn’t budge, scream or cry only said a quick “ouch” as they took the needle out. Once they were all done they put a cotton ball and a piece of tape on his needle mark. The man told him to keep moving his arm despite it hurting so that it would hurt less later. Once he was told that he spent most of the afternoon moving his arm around “flexing”, saying he was making the muscles work. I’m really hoping that once they receive the results to his tests, they can give us some real answers to why this is happening and what we can do to prevent or even stop it. It’s so difficult as a parent to watch your child go through something, and not be able to do anything about it. I feel so powerless…but for now it’s just a waiting game.
Let’s get this mystery solved.
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