Tonight we went to go see Santa, yet again because who only sees Santa once a year? Lol certainly not my kids, it’s not something that I intentionally did. Keera and Zaden went to see Santa with me at my work Christmas party, then once with their grandpa and finally this last time with me. Emilee seen Santa at my work Christmas party, and then tonight. Despite seeing three different Santa’s, the kids have never once said that they think he looks or sounds different. I’m not sure if they do notice and they just don’t say anything, or if they really are just oblivious to it because their stuck in the innocent stage of belief in him.
This time around we only had to stand in line for ten minutes, we went to our usual spot at Bass Pro Shop at Cross Iron Mills. We’ve been going there to see Santa yearly since 2012, the kids get to meet Santa and get a free professional picture taken with him. After we went to see Santa we decided we’d waited long enough it was time to go get a Christmas tree, you know before Christmas… So we drove around in search of a tree, all the trees were wrapped up in string. I understand that it makes it easier for them to transport, but in terms of selecting the best one it’s frustrating and nearly impossible. I got mom to pick out the one she thought was the best {as best as she could from a bunch of tied up trees} and for 17$ we took it home. I brought it inside, laid it down so it could start to thaw out. We went out for dinner and when we came home, we put the kids to bed and we attempted to put the tree in the tree holder. Things didn’t start off too well the tree didn’t fit inside the tree holder, but never fear we own another tree holder. It didn’t fit inside that one either, so we scrambled around the house looking for something to cut a couple of the branches. All we could find was a flimsy hand saw, better than nothing I suppose. So there I was sitting on the floor at 12:20am sawing away at one branch after the other, until finally three branches later it finally fit in the tree holder! We cut the strings off the tree and left it to thaw out some more. I decided to stay up and blog, and I’ve got to admit I’m a little disappointed. Our tree resembles a “Charlie Brown” tree only it’s about my height 5’5 and fat. I keep comparing it to our tree from last year, which was over 6′ tall and beautiful, but I’m sure this one will look better once we get the Christmas lights; and decorations on it. Until then I will be keeping our blinds closed during the day. 😛
Do you put up a Christmas tree in your home? When did you/do you get your Christmas tree? Do you prefer a tall tree or a short tree?