I’ve been thinking lately about moving house, so I’ve been trying to tackle the clutter. This is another part of my laundry room, it’s right near the bottom of the stairs. It’s the first disaster you see when you get down to the fourth level {our basement}. As you can see most of it is blankets, and then we’ve got two coolers none of this stuff belongs there. Everything is sitting on top of our ironing board, which is very frustrating when you need to iron something. Usually we are in a rush, so we end up throwing everything on one side of the ironing board. I decided I’m sick of looking at it, and it’s time to sort through our blankets anyways. After I sorted through everything I folded the blankets, and the sheets and placed them on top of the ironing board for further sorting. I put the coolers in the storage room, a long with the BBQ set {silver briefcase looking thing}. Then returned the Christmas stocking to one of the Christmas boxes.Embarrassingly enough we own more blankets, and sheets then the ones in the picture. However my plan is to sort out and de-clutter the different areas of the house, one space at a time. This is what happens when you combine two households together and you don’t sort through the stuff beforehand. I know these are my excuses, considering we’ve had our households combined for over 3 years lol anyways. In the above picture there are; four Mexican blankets, eight plush fuzzy ones, five baby blankets, four fitted sheets, ten unfitted sheets, and nine pillow cases {not pictured above are two pillows, that were also in the pile}.Please ignore the creepy lighting in my laundry room, I still haven’t replaced the light bulb that is above the stairs it’s on my to-do list. I put the blankets, sheets, and pillow cases that we decided to keep in the four totes. It’s enough for extra bedding in case the kids have an accident or get sick, or even if someone decides to come and visit; and we need to do a quick sheet change on Keera’s bed. I plan on giving the rest to people in need, there is always someone out there in need.
I learnt something during this de-clutter; don’t judge a box. I’m sure you noticed the brown box under the Ironing board, see we have a similar box in our storage room and it has my mom’s old wedding China in it. So clearly I just left it and assumed that it was the China set… WRONG. A couple of hours after I finished up this de-cluttering, my mom and I went to go look for something in the storage room. She asked me what was in the box and I told her it was her China set. She then told me her China set was in the storage room, so I went to go check out what was inside the brown box. I opened up the box and there was an installation instruction sheet, and a clear plastic bag {the kind that comes when you unwrap your internet modem} stuff we didn’t have to keep; so off to the recycling bin went the box and the paper. What a relief. 🙂
Have you done any decluttering lately? I’d love to hear about it and see some pictures!