Today missybee turned 2, she’s officially no longer a baby…she’s a toddler. *cue the waterworks* The morning started off with some snuggles in bed, then we had some toast for breakfast. Keera and Zaden are off to their grandpa’s house, so it was just Em, my mom and I celebrating Em’s birthday. After breakfast I thought it would be fun to go to Toys r Us, considering we hardly ever get to go. It was so exciting for Emilee, she got to walk around the store and look at all the toys. Normally she’s stuck in the cart, and we’ve got Zaden and Keera directing us; unless it’s the grocery store. We lapped around the whole store twice, and it was almost lunch time. I needed to make a quick stop at Dollarama, and then
I decided we’d go out for lunch. I picked a casual spot called Joey’s Seafood, it’s a favourite restaurant of mine and they have the best fish & chips. Emilee loves the fish and chips there too, we had just pulled up as they were opening so it was the perfect spot.
When we were done lunch, we headed home. I quickly set up the kitchen table with a Minnie Mouse table-cloth, and some Minnie Mouse plates. I grabbed Emilee’s presents, cards and took out her Tinkerbell cake from the freezer.I couldn’t believe the whole time Emilee was playing quietly in the living room alone. Once everything was set up I put the candles on the cake and went to get Emilee. We sang Em the tradition Happy Birthday song, and placed her in front of her cake to blow her candles out. She blew them all out, all by herself. {As you can tell by my excitement, it doesn’t matter how many kids you have. You’ll always be excited about their milestones, big or small.}
After Emilee finished blowing out her candles, we put the cake aside. We thought it would be better for her to open up her gifts, then have some cake afterwards.
Emilee got a learning tablet from her Mémé, it teaches basic shapes, basic ABCs, etc. I got her a baby doll that says “I love you” and “Je T’aime” when you squeeze her tummy.
She also got a light up Care Bear stuffy that has 3 switch options. The switch options are “off”, another is to make the Care Bear light up when you touch it’s belly; and the last switch option is to make the Care Bear light up and play a lullaby when you press it’s belly.
Once we all finished our cake, Emilee and I went to cuddle on the couch. She wouldn’t put her doll down, and she even ended up falling asleep next to me cuddling her doll.I would say it’s a was a successful birthday. Emilee started the day with a smile and ended it with a smile. I still can’t believe that she’s already two years old.
I love you little Emilee, and happy birthday sweetheart!