I’m shocked, a huge thank-you to Sunita (@pancakejournal) from The Pancake Journal (Click here to see her blog!) for nominating me for The Liebster Award. I love that she’s a Canadian blogger, and I’m so envious that she lives in British Columbia!The Liebster Award is a way to put new bloggers in the spotlight and letting them get more readers and enjoy getting to know the blogging world. With this nomination I have to answer some questions from the blogger who nominated me.
Here are the questions and my answers:
1. What are your hobbies?
Hobbies…Hobbies…Hobbies… hmm. I don’t even know if I have hobbies..I enjoy reading, blogging, baking and taking pictures. Since I’ve had kids there doesn’t seem to be much time to read. I know, I know that’s a lie but TV is so much easier to do especially since, I’ll likely fall asleep 2 minutes into the DVR playing anyways.
2. What is your favourite TV Show?
Right now I’m really into Grey’s Anatomy, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I love the drama, especially since it’s on the TV and not in my life. I also recently watched all the old episodes of CSI (the one with Grissom), I was really into that…and I ran out of episodes! One last show, it no longer has new episodes but I love watching Till Debt Do Us Part reruns, there’s so much awesome financial advice.
3. Who is your favourite celebrity and why?
Hmmm. I don’t really pay much attention to celebrities but I really like Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). I love how he works out daily and strives to be the best person he can be. Following him on Facebook and Twitter, he just inspires me.
4. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I can’t narrow it down to just one… so I’ll go with my top two. “You are beautiful” and “You are an awesome mom”.
5. What is your greatest strength and weakness?
My greatest strength would be persistence. My greatest weakness is I have very little to no patience. I used to have more patience, but over the years a lot of heartbreak and financial difficulty has caused me to lose almost all of it.
6. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
If I was making it for myself probably homemade Hawaiian chicken pizza, with the thin crust tortilla shells. If someone else was making it, taco salad. Mmmm!
7. Why did you start a blog?
Ever since I had my oldest daughter in 2008, I’ve jumped between full-time stay at home mom to part-time stay at home mom; and back and forth more than once. When I stayed home full-time I was lonely, I had no one to talk to. Then I got pregnant with my son in 2010 and started a full-time job working 40-45 hours a week so I could qualify for maternity benefits, my life was work and my daughter. The only adults I associated with were my coworkers, we’d have some good conversations and a lot of laughs but they were all 45+ years old…bottom line we had nothing in common. After my son was born I moved from Edmonton to Calgary, other than family I knew no one. I’ve felt alone and had no one I could really talk to, and fully express myself to since I was 18. I’ve always kept a diary/journal but no one should have seen it and of course they can’t respond to that ha ha. So in 2013 I decided to take the plunge and start my first blog, in hopes that I can connect and get to know other people with similar interests and lives. I never imagined how diverse my blog interests would be, and there never seems to be enough time to check out everyone’s blog that I’m interested in!
8.What is your favourite type of animal and why?
My favourite type of animal is a dog, hands down no competition. Ever since we had our family dog Newfie [who was a rare black and white Newfoundlander] he was my best friend and my first “child”. He passed away, and I just can’t imagine any other type of animal being able to give that much love.
9.If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would it be?
If I could have a “do-over” in life and it wouldn’t change anything in my life except for this one thing I would go back and get my license… But I also realize if I did get my license back when I should have, I probably wouldn’t have my kids and I wouldn’t be living where I am. My life would likely be completely different, and I love my kids too much to imagine a life without them.
10. What do you feel most proud of?
I feel the most proud of my three kids, and the fact that despite being pregnant at 17 I beat the odds and I got my actual High School diploma.
11. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?
Hmmm, this is a tough one. My mind is drawing a blank and this is so embarrassing…but I suppose: my camera, my cellphone, Ipod or radio, laptop, and my agenda.
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers, and now it’s my turn to Nominate some new bloggers. The Liebster Award goes to:
Sadly, I don’t actually know anyone with less than 600 followers, so I nominate whoever reads this blog post and actually wants to respond on their blog. Feel free to tag me I’d love to see your responses!!
These are the instructions for the Nominees:
– Create a blog post on your site, answering the questions I will provide below.
– In your post, be sure to link back to the blog that nominated you with a thank you and a shout out.
– After completing the questions, add a section for your nominees.
– Select, list, and link to a set of new bloggers with around 200 followers or so. Provide them with these instructions and give them an additional 11 questions to answer.
– Notify your nominees and provide a link to your post so they know what to do.
-When you’re all finished, come back here and comment with the link to your post so I can read your answers!
My Questions are:
1. What is your favourite season and why?
2. Why did you choose the name for your blog?
3. What is your favourite thing to do with your family?
4. What’s is your favourite family tradition? If you don’t have one what’s one you want to start?
5. If you could be anyone for the day who would you want to be?
6. If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
7. What is your favourite holiday?
8. If money was no issue, where would you travel?
9. Would you rather spend a week in the jungle or a week on a boat on the ocean?
10. Who is your favourite blogger?
11. Who do you admire the most?