Here we go yet another summer has come and gone, and it feels like it just flew by. *Gulp* Today Keera is off to her first day of grade 2, seriously?! Where’s my baby? Not that long ago she was off to kindergarten bawling her eyes on the bus, leaving me behind crying as the bus pulled away and then boom grade one click here for a look back to grade 1. Now she’s off to grade two and I have to come to terms that my baby isn’t a baby anymore…Well she hasn’t been for a while, but I was happy in denial. I’m thrilled to say this morning went off smooth, I gave Keera a quick shower, and we had already laid out her clothes the night before. She ate her breakfast while I packed her school lunch, and she was ready to go by 7:24am. I didn’t even need to nag her to hurry, it was so nice! Now if only every school day could go as smooth as today…wishful thinking.
We went and bought Keera a couple of new outfits for school. She decided she wanted to wear her new “favourite” sweater, and Cinderella shirt for the first day. She loves her sweater because it has holes specifically for her thumbs, me I’m more a fan of the Cinderella tee-shirt. I’m however supportive of almost anything she wears, as long as she feels good about herself; and has enough skin covered. Earlier last year Keera got glasses, and she’s been sporting them ever since. Unfortunately the lens got scratched, so now we are waiting for her new replacement pair to come in. Her old pair of glasses were purple but they don’t have that colour anymore, so we went with pink which I’m sure she’s going to rock.
Emilee was still fast asleep when it was time for Keera to leave, but Zaden was up just in time to kiss his sister goodbye. We both wished her good luck on her first day back. She gave me a hug and a kiss, a quick “I love you” and she was off… no tears from that girl this time, she left the house happy while I held in my tears till she left.
I love how she’s growing into a beautiful young lady, I couldn’t be more proud of who she is and who she is becoming. Still is it too much for this mom to ask for time to maybe slow down or even pause for a bit?
When is your child(s) first day of school? How did your child’s first day go?