Just a little over a month ago I made and started a behaviour chart for the kids. The chart has three sections “Good behaviour/Bonne Attitude” (pink), “Stop and think/Reflechir”(yellow), and “Consequence/conséquence”(blue). I know the colours are odd, but that’s the only colour of construction paper I had at the time. To quickly explain the way the system works is, every day they get a point if at the end of the day they are in the “Good behaviour/Bonne Attitude”; or “Stop and think/Reflechir” section of the chart. If they are in the “Consequence/Conséquence” section they don’t get their point for the day, if I catch them hitting each other they lose a point from their already accumulated points. They also lose a point for bad behaviour towards other people. I decided that they would get to choose from a variety of different rewards [I’m always looking for new reward ideas, if you have any leave them down in the comments! Please don’t suggest little toy trinkets, thanks.]. Redemption day is Fridays they are allowed to either “spend” their points, or they can save them for the following week(s). I’m more strict when it comes to the point system, so the minimum point redemption level is 20 points. Yes I’m a monster, I know. 😛 Today after picking up Keera from her bus stop she asked if they could spend their points on chocolate and Slurpees.
We went to the nearest gas station to get the kids each their own medium Slurpee, then Keera wanted a cherry blossom; and Zaden wanted a Eat-More. I got a large Slurpee and split it with Emilee (notice her purple cup in the picture above). I got myself a cherry blossom, and Emilee had a peppermint Aero (she’s got a nut allergy). After munching on our chocolate, and drinking our Slurpees we ate some supper. I asked the kids if they regretted spending their points on the chocolates and Slurpees, they said they had no regrets. I would say overall this point system is definitely working, even if it took them over a month to just get 20 points. Haha…I would however really like to have other options besides food as a reward. ***As I stated in my previous blog post CLICK HERE these things are extras, and they don’t count towards things we normally do, they go beyond that***
What’s something you do for behaviour in your home with your kid(s)? Does your system work? What type of rewards do you give them?