The kids and I love watermelon, but no matter how hard we try there’s usually a little bit that goes to waste. We’ve tried buying the little watermelons and they just aren’t big enough. So this time when we went and bought another large-sized watermelon, I was determined to not have any of it go to waste.
I figured the kids LOVE popsicles so why not give it a try and blend some fresh watermelon (no sugar added). I then put them into the popsicles molds, then popped them into the freezer. [I bought these Popsicle molds at Dollarama for a 1.25$.]We got invited to go to my mom’s work BBQ today, it was being held in a park. Once we got there, they had already had set up a bunch of tables (buffet style). Everyone brought something, there was so much food to choose from. The kids wanted to play, but I told them we should eat something first. Fifteen minutes later as we all sat down on the ground to eat it started to rain, a good pour. My mom brought her umbrella from the van, and we all sat under the umbrella. Eventually Keera and Zaden decided to abandon Emilee and I, and go and mingle. Emilee and I sat under the umbrella while she continued to eat, she was dry and toasty warm. She was sporting her sweater, and then she also had my sweater on her legs to keep her legs warm. I however had my back soaking wet from the rain, I don’t mind though as parents we make sacrifices for our kids, and it won’t be the last time. After about 30-40 minutes of rain the rain stopped, and the sun finally decided to come out. Woo finally play time! The first thing Emilee wanted to do of course, was go slide down the wet slide. Getting her butt all wet from the water. So up the stairs she went, then down the slide, and repeat x 8. She made sure to completely dry off the slide with her butt!
Emilee has hyper-mobility syndrome which in a nutshell means she’s overly flexible and it’s easy for her to pull muscles and even dislocate parts of her body. It’s caused her difficulties walking, and the little stones at the playground were perfect for her to practice her stability on.
I noticed that Keera and Zaden were playing with some of the other kids on this rope structure, and so Emilee and I walked over to watch. Emilee didn’t understand why she couldn’t climb up on the ropes like her siblings, after getting frustrated she got bored. I decided we’d move on to the swings, Keera joined us and wanted to push Emilee.
Overall once the rain stopped everyone had an awesome time and we didn’t leave until after 9pm. Once we got home I noticed the beautiful flowers that have been growing in our yard. They were looking extra healthy, probably because of the rain. Everyone had a quick snack, including a watermelon popsicle. The kids really liked it, I personally think it was too sweet!! The kids had a bath to warm up, and off to bed they went.
Now I’m off to enjoy some much-needed mom quiet time. Snuggled up with a warm blanket and my Netflix.
Did you and your kid(s) do anything fun today?