Yesterday I was digging around in the cupboards looking for a gravy packet for supper, we put all our gravy packets in a container with sample shakes, stew mixes, sauce packets etc. I came across two individual sized Shakeology packets, one was Vanilla and the other was Chocolate. For a while now I’ve heard so much stuff about Shakeology, some good and some bad. I just dismissed it, I’m not usually one to jump on the wagon whenever something becomes popular. I was however curious to what it tasted like, but I didn’t want to have to buy it. So when I found two individual portion sized shake packets in the cupboard I was over the moon.
It’s supposed to be a meal replacement, so I decided I’d have it for my supper instead of eating supper that night. I tried the Vanilla first, I don’t know how people can drink that flavour. YUCK. I had a hard time finishing the Vanilla flavour, and I was disappointed my “supper” was so unappealing. The next day I was nervous about replacing supper again with the Shakeology, especially since I didn’t like the first one I tried. I had the chocolate one and wow, it was delicious. I even thought about licking the cup ha ha. So now I’m super excited to buy some Chocolate Shakeology, I will however be avoiding the Vanilla flavour. “What works for some, doesn’t always work for others.”
We are leaving in a couple days to go on a family trip to Manitoba, hope you all are enjoying your summer!!
Have you ever tried Shakeology? Do you have a different brand you prefer? What’s your favourite flavour?