I thought it was time for a comparison blog post. Most people that know me, they know well that for a good portion of my life I’ve had shorter hair. In fact when I was younger I asked my mom if I could shave my head because for some odd reason I wanted to look like my brother. Don’t ask I’m not completely sure either, maybe it was because I looked up to him…yeah it doesn’t make sense to me either. Throughout my life I’ve had all sorts of different hair styles, I admit that a lot of them are not very flattering but I enjoyed them anyways. If you want to try out an “extreme hairstyle” just remember this, you only live once and hair always grows back! I personally think everyone should completely shave their head at least once in their life, when you don’t have your hair to hide behind you grow as a person. Bonus: If you have long hair and you want to try the shaved look, you could always donate your locks which can help out the people that need wigs.
I thought about starting with 2015 and going backwards to 2008 but I just love my 2008 Mexico pictures. So I’m going to start with 2008 and then I will end off in 2015, I think it’s cool how much has changed since then. These pictures bring back so many awesome memories for me!!
2008- A lot of short hair was happening this year.
2009-The far left picture was the day I shaved my head to help raise money for Special Needs, and then I spent the rest of the year growing out my hair again.
2010- I grew my hair out a bit longer for graduation, but as summer came I cut it short again.
2011-I started off the year with short hair, and as my second pregnancy progressed I decided to grow my hair out a bit.
2012- This year I chopped most of my hair off because summer came around and it was just too hot to bare, plus I had another little human around to care for. Shorter hair= less upkeep.
2013- I grew my hair out to the longest it’s been in a long time. I then decided to chop most of it off, right before Emilee was born.
2014- I was fairly nice to my hair this year, I just let it grow. All the way passed my shoulders, which is a first for me in my whole life (I think).
2015- I’ve continued to let my hair stay a longer length this year, but just as it started to get a little hot out I was getting antsy like I usually do. I thought about cutting it short again, but I’ve become a bit attached to my hair. I enjoy being able to put it up in a pony tail when it gets in my way, but I still have the length if I want to leave it down. I compromised with myself and decided to keep the length on one side and shave the right side it’s only shaved to the back of my ear on the right side so I still have my full length of hair in the back. I’m loving this style. 😀
What’s the most out there hairstyle you’ve done? Do you prefer your hair longer or shorter?