Today was such a dynamite day! The sun was shining and it was HOT out. I decided that I would try to be productive and so I cleaned the house a bit. Downstairs in our laundry room we have a round table, it’s the laundry dumping table. Honestly if we didn’t have that table down there, we would be forced to have to fold and put the laundry away right away. As motivating as that would be there’s just too much stuff that needs to be dealt with right now. So for now I’ll just wrestle with trying my best to keep the “laundry” table cleared off. Eventually my plan is to move the table out of the room, then just move the laundry baskets against the wall; to avoid the temptation of leaving the laundry just sitting there for days on end. On a positive note I’ve been doing very good with keeping up with the dishes, and keeping the kitchen sink empty. 🙂
Because it was so beautiful out, I decided that once Zaden, Emilee and I had picked up Keera from her bus stop; that we would go get Slurpee’s from the gas station. Keera and Zaden got orange crush Slurpee’s with Pepsi on the top. I got a Pepsi Slurpee with orange crush on the top, which I shared with Emilee. As an extra treat I got Keera and Zaden each a chocolate bar it’s interesting to see what chocolate they choose now that they are old enough to choose their own kind. I got a delicious Cherry Blossom (if you haven’t had one, you are definitely missing out), and Emilee got some skittles. After we had finished our candy and Slurpee’s we went and watched a movie together. About halfway threw I decided I’d make some supper, and the kids went to go play with their toys. At 7pm Keera and Zaden asked if they could put on their pajamas, of course I’m not going to object!! The kids willingly went to bed, and were asleep by 8pm. So I decided to finish cleaning up the kitchen. Taaa-daaa the kitchen and the sink is are once again completely clean and empty.
What’s something you do on a hot with your kids or by yourself? What’s your family’s favourite chocolate bar?
Slurpee Run.
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