We got invited to what I thought was a parent teacher interview night at Keera’s school. We were told to go to a specific website, and register for the time we would like to come into the class. The day after we had registered online, we went to Keera’s school and classroom. Once we got into the class the teacher told us that it wasn’t a parent teacher interview, and that she had set up various “stations” with different activities. It would be up to Keera to show and explain to us what she had learnt and was learning in class. I am so proud of her I never get to see the hardcore learning side and it was so refreshing seeing just how much she knows and how much she is still learning. Keera attends a full French school, and only one English class.Station 1# was what we call the number chart, Keera told us what they usually do in class. The teacher picks a student and then she flips 4 random numbers backwards (while the student is not watching), so that you can’t see what the numbers are. Keera’s teacher then expects the student to tell her what the flipped numbers are (en Français and in order). We tried it will Keera and she knew all 4 of them, I’ve never seen this learning side of her… and I’m so glad that I did.
Station 2# had a word dictionary book (mon dictionnaire livre), a pencil, eraser and a paper on a desk. Keera had to sort threw the book, and decide on different words to put into a sentence. She then had to write out the sentence, and it had to have a “Who, what, when, and where” in the sentence.
Station 3# the teacher had set up her computer and had gone to a French learning website where the students had to pick the correct photo that matched the 3 phrases/hints at the top of the screen. Watching Keera navigate with ease on the Apple laptop, was so wonderful to see, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen her use a computer. 🙂
Station 4# the teacher had set up an Ipad with an app that teaches math skills. In French the app is called “Drôles de Maths” and in English/on iTunes you can find it by searching “Bubbling Math. ” It’s not available on IPhone, only Mac computer or Ipad. I do have it on my Ipad and it’s complete learning awesome. You can adjust the type of difficulty you want, also if you want you can change around the settings from simple math (addition and subtraction) to adding in multiplications and divisions. It displays the math equation at the top of the screen and several different possible answers in bubbles underneath it. The app keeps track of how many you got wrong in a row, and how many you got correct (you can reset this tracker too). I love it it’s been a fun way for the kids to want to learn math especially Keera.
When was the last time you attended your child’s parent teacher interviews? What did your child show you? Were you amazed at how smart your child was and is?