Why is it that we live in a society where it’s not okay for parents to have a “off” day….okay in some cases a couple of “off” days. I am not referring to going on a vacation without the kids, I mean emotionally. Yes we are in charge of little humans, but there seems to be an unrealistic expectation put on parents that we should always have our emotional ducks in a nice neat row. Please note: I’m not talking about someone that is clearly mentally incapable of dealing with simple things or their child(ren).
It’s frightening to some people if a parent, is crying or upset. We aren’t allowed to appear emotionally weak because we have child(ren), you know because having a cry alone once in awhile is going to drastically change our parent *cue the sarcasm*. Can we all please remember that even though we have kids we are HUMAN just like everyone else that doesn’t have a child or children. We all will sometimes have bad days, just like people without kids. If you see a parent upset, maybe they are mentally exhausted from staying home alone with the kids, or maybe their having a hard time financially. Just remember YOU don’t know what their going through. So instead of judging them, why don’t you ask them if their okay or if you can help them out in some way. Everyone in the world just needs to be a little more caring.
What do you think about parents having an “off” day? Have you lent a parent a helping hand when you seen them upset?