On Saturday my youngest baby Emilee turned 1, I can’t believe that a year has gone by so fast. It’s been a roller coaster ride dealing with a baby while watching and caring for two other children (5 and 3) mostly on my own. I know that it sounds cliche but it feels like only yesterday that I was in the hospital anxiously waiting for her to be born. If I could I would make her a day old again.. I would want to relive all of my kid’s first years again. Mostly for the fact that that’s when they love to snuggle the most, sadly the older they get the less snuggles they want to give you.
If anyone that’s given birth to a child tells you that the 2nd or more time you have a baby you’ll be used to the pain, or that you’ll know what to expect… hate to break it to you their lying. I have three children, all three pregnancies were completely different, all three labors were different.
Keera (to many people’s surprise), was planned. I was shocked when I found out that I was pregnant, but she was planned non the less. During the pregnancy I had bleeding, I was in and out of the hospital constantly so they could monitor her heartbeat, and movement. I barely felt any movement during the pregnancy and a week or so before my due date I fell down the stairs, I had massive bleeding and I didn’t feel any movement. She was born just eight days after her due date, on Christmas Day. I woke up Christmas morning at 8:15am to go for breakfast at my mother in laws, just as I got off the couch my water broke, little Keera was born at 6:13pm perfectly healthy.
Zaden was a surprise pregnancy, but a blessing non the less. I had cramping and bleeding during the first two weeks of my pregnancy, I went to several doctor appointments where they told me they believed that I was having a miscarriage. The ultrasound technician and doctor told me that my due date would be in June but they had their doubt’s that I would make it to full term, everything started to mellow out and my pregnancy ran smooth until Christmas eve during my shift at work I had a massive amount of bleeding resulting in my going home. My water broke June 18th at 11:32am, and Zaden wasn’t born until 1:06am on the 19th. On Father’s day of 2011, ironically. Zaden didn’t cry when he was born, he didn’t cry until he was two weeks old.
Emilee was a surprise pregnancy, but a huge blessing as well. I was constantly going for blood work and going to the doctor due to bleeding. Every time I went in for blood work and they took my blood my hCG levels would have drastically dropped. (In case you know nothing about pregnancy, hCG levels are how they know that you are pregnant, and when your pregnant your hCG levels should rise as your pregnancy progresses and the lower they get that usually means miscarriage.) Another concern was my platelet count (Platelet’s are blood cells whose function is to stop bleeding) was low and as my pregnancy progressed it got lower. My doctor told me to go the hospital on my due date, I was to be induced due to health issues. The morning of my due date November 8 I went to the hospital, the nurse broke my water at 9:34am and Emilee was born at 2:07pm healthy.