When I first asked K what she wanted to be for Halloween, she told me she wanted to be a doll, then she changed her mind and said a witch. Finally the last week before Halloween she told me she wanted to be a mermaid. I hadn’t bought the kids any costumes yet, and to my surprise she said she already had her costume. She showed me one of her dress-up dresses that she had in her closet, and said this is my mermaid costume. If the dress is a mermaid to her, who am I to tell her otherwise. One less costume to buy for Halloween? HECK YES! We were also going to a Halloween party at her friends house the next day. She informed me she wanted to dress-up as Minnie Mouse for her friends party, just as she showed me her Halloween costume from last year. Two costumes for K to wear this year and it didn’t cost a penny, parent win!
When I first asked Z what he wanted to be for Halloween, he said he wanted to be a vampire, then the last week before Halloween he said he wanted to be a firefighter. Instead of buying a firefighter Halloween costume, we bought him a dress-up firefighter outfit, the actual Halloween costume one was flimsy anyways. The dress-up one came with a hat, jacket, fake fire extinguisher, fake axe, and a fake smoke mask. The Halloween costume one had just the jacket and hat for 10$ more. Better stuff for cheaper price, I was game.
For Em, I decided to be hands on and make the costume myself…Sewing outfits are not my forte. I’m happy with what it looked like, even though I know it could have looked better if I had just bought a costume. Eh at least I can say that I tried it’s the thought that counts right…Haha. This year she was a Octopus, and for K’s friends Halloween party she was a princess.
The day before Halloween Z, Em and I went with Z’s playschool trick or treating around the playschool block, he got to wear his costume and get some yummy goodies from the companies around his playschool. On Halloween Day, (Can you believe the amount of parents that actually take their kids out of school early just to go trick or treating, it boggles my mind!) We decided to pick K up from school, instead of her taking the bus home and we headed to the mall to do some “trick or treating”. Since Em’s just a baby this year and the weather was really windy we decided to do this, then we celebrated by going out to eat. The kids each got a bucket of candy from the mall, which is more candy then they usually eat in a year.
I would have liked to take them out and do the traditional trick or treating outside, but that seems to be a fading fast tradition. I know last year we tried to trick or treat around our block and no one was giving out candy we had to go to another area. I don’t understand, when I was growing up if someone had their light on outside that meant that they were handing out candy. If they didn’t have their light on that either meant they had run out of candy or that they weren’t handing out candy. It’s not like that anymore, people have their lights on then they get upset when you go trick or treat at their house. It was a short night, but the kids and I had a good time, and that’s all that’s important to me.
Dressing up for Halloween.
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