Our house has been driving me, mad as a hatter!! Before I had little ones, all of my things were in order. Everything had a place, I knew where my stuff was and it was organized. Now I can’t seem to keep track of anything.
Let’s blame mommy brain for that shall we…For example yesterday morning I searched high and low for Zaden and Emilee’s vaccine information sheets, since we had an appointment to bring Emilee in for her vaccines. Going under the assumption that I returned them back to the fire safety box the last time, I didn’t think I would have to look around. So I waited until half an hour before we left, and you guessed it they weren’t in the fire box, so I started frantically searching around the house for them.
It’s a funny thing, you seem to find everything you don’t want to find, when you are on the search for something in particular except for the actual thing you are looking for. Everyone says it time and time again, but everything would be much more simplified if we just put things back in there original place. Instead of setting them down and telling ourselves we’ll put them away later, later usually never comes. Even if we just get things ready by the door, on the counter, on the bed, whatever the case may be that would certainly save us from going unglued the next day searching.
So yesterday I began my uphill battle to clean, and organize this house again. It doesn’t help that we rent and don’t own our own house. Which means I’m very limited to what I can do storage and organization wise but I am doing my best.
While Dalton has been tackling the dishes, laundry and the meal cooking since he’s been here I’m focusing my attention on organizing other things. Yesterday I started to straighten up our room, moving around the bookshelf, cleaning and sorting through my stuff/papers just overall improving the flow of the room making it more spacious. After getting the ball rolling, I started on the living room. The kids and I went through their toys deciding what to keep and what not to keep, this is something we do every couple of months. Keera and Zaden enjoy deciding which toys to keep and which ones get to go to kids that don’t have any toys, it’s often a fast and delightful experience. I love that they want other kids to have toys to play with too!
Once the toys were sorted I put them in different coloured bins, while the books went into another. I found in the basement a green container so that’s the place they’ll have their leappads, chargers, and the kid camera in it. Easy to find, and put away. All the containers are in the bookshelf and I think they look wonderful and most importantly organized!I took the old baskets that I had the toys in and sorted out the kids shoes, each kid has their own bin for their shoes, I have my own too. This makes the front entrance more functional, with less clutter. It also speeds up the amount of time it will take to get out of the house, since everyone will know where their shoes are and there by the door.