No longer will I struggle, fighting tooth and nail to get the kids to pick up the toys they had tossed onto the floor. The other day I went to Dollarama, and I found a digital timer that I’ve been searching for, awhile now. Believe it or not I was looking for a specific one, finally I found the one I’ve been looking for. At a steal of a price it cost me (1.50+ tax). I tested out this particular method, sure enough it works wonders. Zaden (our two year old) tossed all the toys onto the floor, usually his older sister cleans or I clean them up out of frustration because we keep tripping on them and horribly as it sounds it’s easier we do it then wait for him to get at picking them up. Enough was enough I decided, he had to learn it was his job to pick up the toys if he was going to be the one to throw them on the ground.
I told him I had a timer and that I was going to set it to 5 minutes. If his toys were not picked up, before the timer beeped, I was going to throw them into the trash. A false threat, usually if it comes down to this I grab a black garbage bag, proceed to put the toys inside as they watch then “bring it outside” until later.
READY, GET SET, GO! I turned the timer on, he immediately began to pick his toys up, every minute or so I would remind him how much time was left. Turns out it works great he finished picking them up with 50 seconds to spare! I’m DELIGHTED that something so little and so “cheap” can simplify my life, it is also a better alternative then screaming “pick up your toys!!” constantly. Here is to a more simplified, scream-free environment.